Policy Library
Data Access and Use Policy
The NJSDS Executive Leadership Committee is responsible for overseeing the system’s data access and use policies. As a result, the Committee has established a comprehensive policy that details NJSDS’ purpose, authority, and processes for facilitation of data usage.
Acceptable Use Guidelines
New Jersey follows strict redaction and suppression guidelines to ensure the privacy of all individuals. The John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey maintains these guidelines, which outline the safe use of data analyzed and reported out of NJSDS.
Research Agenda, 2024-2027
NJSDS maintains a multi-year research agenda to guide internal and external research priorities. This document guides their focus on the most-needed research issues, advances collaboration among researchers, and disseminates results to help improve governance efforts, policymaking, and performance of public initiatives. The current research agenda, covering 2024-2027, highlights several key overarching priorities and three high-level research interests.
Data Sharing Agreement
The NJSDS partner agencies and the Heldrich Center participate in an agreement that determines the terms under which the agencies share their data. This multi-year data sharing agreement ensures NJSDS’ continued growth while adhering to applicable federal and state laws.