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New Jersey Postsecondary Graduates’ Employment Outcomes

Heldrich Center researchers developed the following dashboard as part of the NJEEDS data story, Where Students Go: Postsecondary Student Migration In and Out of New Jersey. The dashboard uses NJEEDS data to show what proportion of New Jersey’s 2008 through 2013 postsecondary graduates are employed in New Jersey, and their median quarterly earnings. It shows that both two-year and four-year college graduates experience a gradual increase in earnings in the five years after completing college. In 2018 inflation-adjusted dollars, median quarterly earnings for two-year graduates started at $4,118 in the first quarter following completion, and grew to $9,878 their 20th quarter, or five years, following completion. The median quarterly earnings for four-year college graduates started at $5,973 and grew to $15,300.

Using the filters on the left, the figure can be customized to show employment and earning outcomes for graduates of two-year or four-year programs, and of a specific program of study. The size of the bubble represents the total number of graduates in the major within that time frame. Press the play button at the bottom to see how the employment level and median quarterly earnings change over the five years following graduation.