Press Release
Stephanie Walsh, Ph.D., Assistant Director of Research | stephanie.walsh@ejb.rutgers.edu
Robb C. Sewell, Assistant Director of Public Relations & Communications | rcsewell@ejb.rutgers.edu
New Jersey Statewide Data System Renaming and Website Launch
New Brunswick, New Jersey – December 5, 2023 – The New Jersey Statewide Data System (NJSDS), formerly known as the New Jersey Education to Earnings Data System (NJEEDS), is proud to announce its renaming in recognition of its significant expansion in scope and use. NJSDS is also proud to unveil its new website, which can be found at njsds.nj.gov. Housed at the John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, this evolution of the state’s longitudinal data system reflects the shared commitment to fostering partnerships and empowering data-driven decision-making for the benefit of New Jerseyans. Partnering state agencies include the New Jersey Department of Education, the New Jersey Office of the Secretary of Higher Education, the Higher Education Student Assistance Authority, and the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development.
The renaming represents a marquee moment that highlights New Jersey’s national prominence as a leader in evidence-based policymaking, and the continued development of its longitudinal data system. NJSDS is the state’s centralized longitudinal data system for public administrative data. Initially developed in 2012 as NJEEDS with a focus on education data, the system has expanded through close coordination with partnering state agencies. With those partnerships having broadened the breadth of data linked through the system, NJSDS is now a large statewide interagency and intergovernmental platform where data from participating agencies are securely stored to expand access and analysis to improve governance efforts, policymaking, and performance of public initiatives.
NJSDS aims to provide policymakers, the public, and other stakeholders with the information needed to make decisions that will improve public policies and practices for New Jersey residents. This includes facilitating longitudinal and linked data research, providing statistical data, and publishing reports on the NJSDS website. NJSDS is a collaborative endeavor that is possible because of a strong governance structure through a leadership council that includes all partner agencies.
“The renaming and launch of the New Jersey Statewide Data System website stands as a testament to our state’s leadership in fostering partnerships and harnessing the power of data for informed decision-making,” said Angelica Allen-McMillan, Acting Commissioner of Education. “This action represents the culmination of collaborative work among state agencies. Together, we are advancing a comprehensive, interagency platform that will enhance governance efforts, policymaking, and the overall performance of public initiatives throughout the state.”
Dr. Brian K. Bridges, New Jersey Secretary of Higher Education, said, “Since its inception, the newly named New Jersey Statewide Data System has been built up into an indispensable tool for New Jersey, providing a lens through which to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of our programs, align higher education approaches with workforce needs, and identify and address persisting achievement gaps. Within the broadened scope, we are further empowered to promote equity and create pathways to success for New Jersey residents from all backgrounds. The Office of the Secretary of Higher Education is proud to be a data partner and collaborator.”
David J. Socolow, Executive Director of the New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority, said, “As we continuously work to make postsecondary education more affordable and attainable for families throughout our state, the Higher Education Student Assistance Authority is proud to play an ongoing role in making a broad array of data available through the New Jersey Statewide Data System to help inform public policies and initiatives that will advance these crucial efforts. Alongside the Heldrich Center and our fellow partners in government, we remain committed to taking a transparent and evidence-based approach to promoting the success of New Jersey residents.”
“This valuable collaboration has enabled partner agencies to make data-informed decisions to deliver enhanced education, career, and training services,” said Robert Asaro-Angelo, Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development. “The New Jersey Statewide Data System is a critical resource that helps the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development ensure quality, effectiveness, and equity in our workforce development programs, and inform strategies to support future workforce needs. With the re-launch of NJSDS, we look forward to expanding the scope and quality of data available, and further improving its use and accessibility to continue driving our economy forward.”
Kevin Dehmer, Executive Director of the Heldrich Center,said, “The New Jersey Statewide Data System is more than just a name change and new website; it is a reflection of our shared commitment to ensuring the success of New Jersey residents. By bringing together agencies dedicated to the use of data to improve policy for residents, we aim to create a holistic, data-driven ecosystem that empowers individuals to achieve their goals.”